Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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The Club´s History is detailed in, ´Hillarys Yacht Club - The Maiden Voyage´ a book available from Club reception free of charge for members. Come along and pick up your copy and see how it all began in the early days! How Did It All Begin? Following the Department for Marine and Harbours proposal of the construction of Hillarys Boat Harbour in 1983, a submission was put forward from members of the Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club for the provision of additional boat launching facilities to be included. 1985 saw the forming of the Hillarys Boat Harbour Association and it was with the enthusiasm and commitment from these members that the Club progressed. In 1986, members of the Hillarys Boat Harbour Association held a meeting to inaugurate Hillarys Yacht Club Incorporated, set membership fees at $10.00, and elected the Club´s first Office Bearers. During the next three years, monthly meetings were held by the new Committee at the Castle Hotel North Beach and the Mullaloo Tavern where they discussed the construction of a clubhouse and jetties and saw a steady increase of membership with the forward advertising of its proposed facilities. By October 1989, plans had been finalised for a clubhouse, a lease had been signed with Department for Marine and Harbours, and two rows of jetties, comprising 112 boat pens, were opened to the members. The Clubhouse was finally constructed in 1990 and members were able to enjoy the start of what what was to become the premier water sports facility in the Northern suburbs. The Club Burgee, a blue pennant with a yellow cross and the letter \"H\" in yellow superimposed in the top left quadrant was designed by a member and only being altered once since its conception, remains the emblem of Hillarys Yacht Club today.

Merkmale und Lage

Adresse: Northside Drive, Hillarys, Western, Australia.
Radiosender:: Nicht verfügbar
Liegeplätze: 112 Liegeplätze
Latitude:: 31° 49' S     Longitude:: 115° 44' E
Tiefgang max: 5.00 meter     Schiffslänge max: 20.00 meter


  • Sportliche Aktivitäten Sportliche Aktivitäten
  • Bar/Restaurant Bar/Restaurant
  • Taucher Taucher
  • Tankstelle Tankstelle
  • Rampe Rampe
  • Reparaturwerkstatt Reparaturwerkstatt
  • Umkleidekabinen Umkleidekabinen
  • Nautikgeschäft Nautikgeschäft

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